Audit Readiness and remediation

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Audit Readiness and remediation

Services carefully designed to ensure that every involved financial statements are free of material errors, getting them through the audit and remediating any audit issues. Any auditing firm is responsible for providing a full-fledged audit report.

During the course of an audit, there are instances when findings can come to the auditor’s attention, even when it is missed by us. If the finding is discovered prior to report date (type 1 reports) or by the end of the report period (Type 2 reports). A client is also able to attain the opportunity to remediate the finding.

Get the best assistance with Audit Readiness and Remediation from the best Audit experts at FOAPS Group LLC.

Audit Readiness and remediation

Services carefully designed to ensure that every involved financial statements are free of material errors, getting them through the audit and remediating any audit issues. Any auditing firm is responsible for providing a full-fledged audit report.

During the course of an audit, there are instances when findings can come to the auditor’s attention, even when it is missed by us. If the finding is discovered prior to report date (type 1 reports) or by the end of the report period (Type 2 reports). A client is also able to attain the opportunity to remediate the finding.

Get the best assistance with Audit Readiness and Remediation from the best Audit experts at FOAPS Group LLC.